T E C H N I C A L W H I T E P A P E R / 5 6
VMware vSphere 5.0 Evaluation Guide –
Volume One
Sample esxcli Commands Run Remotely from the vCLI
The following examples show methods for using esxcli from the vCLI. For these examples, we will use the vMA.
Because these commands are being run remotely, it is necessary to provide the
credentials as part of the esxcli command.
Use the
esxcli --server tm-pod01-esx01 hardware memory get
command to display the amount
of memory on the ESXi hosts. Here we provide the --server option, but let it prompt for the user name and
password, as follows:
Figure 64.
esxcli hardware memory get Command from vMA
Use the
esxcli --server tm-pod01-esx01 --user root storage core adapter list
command to list the available storage adapters on your host. Here we provide the
options, but let it prompt for the password, as follows:
Figure 65.
esxcli storage core adapter list Command from vMA
In this example, we use the vMA –vi-fastpass authentication, making it possible to run esxcli commands without
providing the –server, –username, or –password options on the command line.
Start by setting up the vMA fastpass access, as follows:
Figure 66.
Setting up vMA Fast Pass