VIVOTEK - Built with Reliability
122 - User's Manual
4-3-1. Camera List Panel
The camera list displays the 8 recruited cameras by the sequential numbering order you
configured in the System
window on page 142. The elements in the Camera list on a
Search recording clips
window are identical to those on a
window. Please refer to
page 102 for details on the Camera list panel.
To begin playback and search for past recordings,
1. Double-click on a camera.
2. The
panel will display the days video recording actually took place. And those days
will be highlighted by a blue background (as the 25th and 28th in the screen below.)
There are two key differences between the Camera List on Liveview and that on the Playback
1. Users
can not
click and drag a camera thumbnail to a playback view cell.
2. A double-click on a camera
does not
display video in a view cell. A double-click displays a
where days with recorded videos are shown.