User's Manual - 97
Network > DDNS
This section explains how to configure the dynamic domain name service for the Network
Camera. DDNS is a service that allows your Network Camera, especially when assigned with a
dynamic IP address, to have a fixed host and domain name.
Manual setup
DDNS: Dynamic domain name service
Enable DDNS: Select this option to enable the DDNS setting.
Provider: Select a DDNS provider from the provider drop-down list.
VIVOTEK offers
, a free dynamic domain name service, to VIVOTEK customers. It is
recommended that you register
to access VIVOTEK’s Network Cameras from the Internet.
Additionally, we offer other DDNS providers, such as Dyndns.org(Dynamic), Dyndns.org(Custom),
Safe100.net, and CustomSafe100.
Note that before utilizing this function, please apply for a dynamic domain account first.
1. In the DDNS column, select
from the drop-down list. Click
I accept
after reviewing the
terms of the Service Agreement.
2. In the Register column, fill in the Host name (xxxx.safe100.net), Email, Key, and Confirm Key, and
. After a host name has been successfully created, a success message will be displayed
in the DDNS Registration Result column.
[Register] Successfully Your account information has
been mailed to registered e-mail address