I/O OPTIONS page 3. IL pin, connected in parallel between several FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOUR-
CEmk3 allows to remotely turn ON/OFF the device (via a stable/unstable clean contact), or to simultaneously
switch ON/OFF more devices connected to it, or control Vivaldi accessories. Use << and >> to move between the
parameters. Use + and – keys to change the parameter’s value. Press ENTER to confirm.
on ENABLE, IL pin is activated. On DISABLE, IL pin is disabled. Default value: ENABLE.
SIMULTANEOUS ON/OFF SWITCH: if all the devices connected are set to LEVEL, when a device is
switched on, all the other devices will switch on automatically. When a device switches off, all the other device will
switch off. On PULSE, each FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOURCEmk3 controls only itself.
REMOTIZED ON/OFF SWITCH: on LEVEL, by short-circuiting GND and OC2 through a stable contact, it is
possible to switch the device ON/OFF remotely (when the contact is short-circuited to ground, the device will stay
on. When this contact is open, the device will switch off). On PULSE, by short-circuiting GND and OC2 through an
unstable contact, it is possible to switch the device ON/OFF remotely (when the contact is short-circuited to
ground, the device will stay on. When this contact is open, the device will switch off).
Default value: LEVEL.
on HYBRID, with two or more FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOURCEmk3 connected with each
other, the first device that switches on will automatically acquire MASTER status, hence it will control the ON/OFF
switching for all the other devices. On MASTER, the device will control the ON/OFF switching on all the
other devices set to SLAVE or HYBRID mode, and cannot be controlled by any other device. On SLAVE, the devi-
ce can only be switched on/off by other MASTER or HYBRID devices. Default value: HYBRID.
to control VIVALDI accessories (eg. PS7, PS20, EPF,...) IL pin parameters must be set to default values.
I/O OPTIONS page 4. This menu page contains some settings when the device is on USB source while being
controlled by OC2 contact. It is also possible to enable/disable the IR signal receiver.
The menu allows you to set the behavior of the USB source when it is turned off/on by OC2 contact and to enable/
disable the built-in infrared receiver. Use + and – keys to change the parameter’s value. Press ENTER to confirm.
USB Play:
on RESUME, when FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOURCEmk3 is switched ON/OFF by OC2
while on USB source, the playback from the USB drive will be resumed from the last status before being switched
off. On RESTART, when FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOURCEmk3 is controlled by OC2 while on USB
source, the playback from the USB drive will resume from the beginning. Default: RESUME..
IR Receiver:
If ON, the built-in IR infrared receiver on the device will be active. If OFF, the IR infrared receiver
built-in on the device will be disabled.