ALARM page on SETUP menu. With ALARM functionality, it is possible to set automatic wake-up or shutdown
times on FREEmk3, FREENETmk3 and FREESOURCEmk3. It is also possible to set the source to be played and
the volume level when the device wakes up automatically. Press ENTER to access the settings.
POWER ON TIME page. Use << and >> keys to move between parameters and pages. Use + and – keys to modi-
fy the selected parameter. Once done, press ENTER key to confirm.
POWER ON TIME: set the auto wake-up time. Default value: 00:00.
if ON, the automatic wake-up function will be active, if OFF the function is
disabled. Default value: OFF;
set the volume level (from 0 to 50) at automatic wake-up. If the setting is on LAST, the device will switch
on at the same volume level it was switched off. Default value: LAST;
set the source (RADIO FM, DAB+, USB, BLUETOOTH, AUX 1, AUX 2, MIC IN, MIC OUT) to be se-
lected at automatic wake-up. If the setting is on LAST, the device will switch on at the same sources it was switched
off. Default value: LAST;
POWER OFF TIME setting page. Use << and >> keys to move between parameters and pages. Use + and – keys
to modify the selected parameter. Once done, press ENTER key to confirm.
set the automatic shutdown time. Default value: 00:00.
if ON, the automatic shutdown function will be active, if OFF the function is disabled. Default value: OFF;
21 FREEmk3