Dynamic Parapodium is to be used only on a flat, horizontal and hardened surface.
Any attempt to overturn the parapodium on purpose more than the maximum lateral tilt (10’) is contrary to the
instructions for use of the device and may cause a threat to the patient’s life.
While using the parapodium the patient must not be loaded more than 5 kg over his normal weight.
Depending on patient’s individual parameters the device requires the space not less than 650 mm but not more
than 980 mm measured as the width of the device.
The use of the parapodium consists of three phases:
Getting-in phase.
Walking in the parapodium.
Leaving the parapodium.
Ad 1. Getting into the parapodium directly from a bed or chair.
In order to get into the parapodium the following activities should be done:
Bring the parapodium in front of the chair or bed, on which the patient is sitting,
Make sure that the chair will not move,
Unblock the lock and open the back belt of the corset,
Put the feet on the platforms,
Position the knees in the holders and fasten the belts around them,
Get hold of the corset with one hand, and of the arm support with the other and stand up to upright position
with the aid of the accompanying person,
Shift the hips to the front of the corset,
Pull the handle of the blockade of the lock, close the back belt and release the handle of the blockade,
Check if the blocking of the pelvic girdle region is correct, make sure that the hips are not compressed too
Adjust the height of the lateral arm support,
Check the position of the patient’s centre of gravity in relation to the axis of corset hanger joints:
the patient is bent forward
act according to “Assembly Instructions ”,
the patient is bent backward
act according to “Assembly Instructions ”.
During the attempts to stand up the patient must not get hold of or lean against the back flap of the corset.
Repeated leaning against the flap, which has to support the whole weight of the body then, may cause slight
deformations of the joint and, consequently, problems with closing the flap.
Rising from the chair, etc. not protected from slipping back is dangerous for the patient and may lead to an
accident, resulting In contusion or injury.
During the attempts to stand up the patient must be helped by an accompanying person.
Non-compliance with the above recommendation may lead to his/her falling down, contusion or injury.
While coming in and closing the back flap it should be remembered not to put a finger in when locking it.
Ad 2. Standing and walking phase including changing directions, etc.
Before starting this phase of using the parapodium the user must get acquainted with the “Medical Manual”.
A prerequisite for starting the process of rehabilitation using the Dynamic Parapodium is to contact the
physician managing the patient. After appropriate qualification of the patient, raising his awareness concerning
the probability of certain dysfunction of the organism, and giving instructions how to behave if such dysfunction
occur, an individual, initial therapeutic programme, aimed at gradual adaptation of the organism to the device,
must be designed. Non-compliance with the above recommendations may lead to the occurrence of
unpleasant natural reactions of the organism to the sudden change of position of most internal organs and
necessity to adapt to the new conditions.