VW801, VW802, VW803, VW804 Serial-WiFi Modem User Manual
Vitalwell Electronics (Zhuhai) Pte. Ltd. www.vital-well.com
3.1.3. Default Parameter Setting
Default SSID:
Default security mode: open, none;
User UART parameter setting:115200,8,1,None;
Default network parameter setti
Module IP address: dhcp,,,;
3.1.4. Modem Test
VW801 built in with a silabs USB-VCOM bridge chip: CP2102. Prior to use it, a driver is needed to be
installed. We can go to Silabs website
to get the latest driver. Alertly a copy of the driver
is put in the following link:
when the driver is correctly installed, after plugging VW801 modem, a virtual COM port will be created.
To find the COM port number assigned by the system, you can
Right-click the icon "My Computer" ->
Hardware" -> "Device Manager" -> "Ports (COM
& LPT) ", (in our example it is
COM8, the port number will be different depending on the PC
Open HyperTerminal serial software Terminal, the port number found in the above selected port number
(eg COM8),
Baud rate: 115200 (default is 115200)
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None
Click "Connet"