Virtavia E-2C Hawkeye
Manual Version 1.0
Exterior Model
The exterior model has all the usual animations such as ailerons,
elevators, crew entry hatch, wing fold, tail hook and landing flaps. There
are no speedbrakes fitted to the Hawkeye.
Oil Cooler Flaps
Each engine nacelle is fitted with a ventral oil cooler flap. These are
opened by means of switches on the front vertical area of the
overhead console.
Shift-E opens the crew entry door on the left side of the aircraft.
Crew figures
The crew figures can be toggled using Ctrl-W.
The propeller blade pitch is animated through the range from fine to
coarse pitch (ctrl-F1 through ctrl-F4). There are no prop pitch levers in
the Hawkeye, pitch would be controlled automatically, according to
power demand. The keypresses mentioned above can nevertheless be
used. Pressing and holding F2 on landing provides reverse thrust (beta
range). Tap F1 to cancel reverse thrust.