Virtavia E-2C Hawkeye
Manual Version 1.0
Radio Magnetic Indicator
. A standard RMI with the larger needle for
indicating the direction of the tuned NAV 1 station and the smaller
needle for indicating the direction of the tuned NDB. The yellow heading
bug indicates the current autopilot heading setting.
Flight Director Switch
. This knob is used to toggle the FSX Flight
Director function and the Main Artificial Horizon will display the
information using its GS and LOC needles.
Radar Altimeter
. The gauge has a SET knob which is used to move
the small triangular bug around the perimeter of the gauge. The position
of the bug indicates the set low altitude warning threshold, when the red
warning lamp on the gauge will illuminate.
. Standard altimeter, knob right side for Baro Setting. Use
left/right mouse click, mousewheel or left click drag to adjust. An orange
‘OFF’ flag will appear on the gauge face if power to the instrument is
Vertical Speed Indicator
The Vertical Speed Indicator or VSI
indicates the instantaneous rate of climb or descent in feet per minute.
Turn and Slip Indicator
. The turn and slip indicator or turn and bank
indicator is two flight instruments in one. One indicates the rate of turn,
the other part indicates whether the aircraft is in coordinated flight.
Enabling "Auto-Coordination" in FSX Settings will automate this.
Course Deviation Indicator
. Functions like a ILS indicator with the
aircraft symbol acting as a pointer indicating deviation left or right from
the current set NAV1 OBS. The gauge includes the usual vertical and
horizontal bars to indicate the relative direction of the tuned VOR or
runway LOC and the glideslope (GS). The numerical display shows the
current course (NAV1 OBS) setting and is adjusted using the knob at the
bottom right of the gauge. Warning flags display when there is no valid
LOC or GS signal.
Cockpit Lighting Switches
. These two knobs toggle cabin (flood)
lights and the instrument / text lighting. The flood light is best left off for
night flying, especially on approach.