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Technical specifications

Absolute air pressure accuracy:

±1,5hPa @ 0-50°C, resolution 0,1 hPa within the working range. Working range is 900 to 1.100 hPa.

Temperature accuracy:

±0,5°C @ 25°C, resolution 0,1°C within the working range. Working range: 0 to 50ºC (32 to 122ºF).

Accuracy falls linearly from 25ºC to the range boundaries: From ±0,5ºC to ±1,25ºC.

Humidity accuracy:

±4,5%, resolution 1% within the operating range 0 to 100%.

Clock: Accuracy within ±30s per month.


I am at sea level and my pressure readout is too low compared to the actual pressure. How do I adjust to cor-

rect readout?

First try using the MODE-SET-PRESSURE-ADJUSTMENT menu to make the necessary adjustment. Here a maxi-

mum of +/- 15 hPa can be introduced.

However in some units this adjustment is not enough. Here the trick is to introduce an “artificial” Altitude. Go to the 

menu MODE-SET-ALTITUDE. Now increase the altitude until the barometer pressure readout is correct.

This process is a “trial and error” process until you have reached the correct value. You can get very close to the cor-

rect value. The altitude-increment value is 5m and this corresponds to 0,625hPa.

So, as an example, if your barometer shows 950hPa - and the altitude is set to 0m - but should readout 1.010hPa 

you can increase your altitude to approx. 480m. Press “OK” and check the pressure readout. At this point you are still 

in the “SET” menu so just select “altitude” again and repeat your adjustment until you are satisfied with the pressure 

readout. After pressing the “OK” finally press “MEM.” twice.

What is hecto-Pascal, hPa?

hPa is equal to millibar.

Normal pressure at sea level is 1.013,25 hPa = 1.013,25 millibar = 760 mm Hg = 29.92 In Hg

Pressure alarm in the mountains is less sensitive

I have noticed that when I set my pressure alarm to a 3 hPa change it requires almost a 4 hPa change before it acti-


The alarm is measured from actual changes in pressure and not the (calculated) pressure at sea level. As the pres-

sure in the mountains is lower than at sea level it requires a larger relative change to activate the alarm.

Therefore the alarm is less sensitive in the mountains.

Sometimes my unit freezes to a complete stop

This is a known error in the current version. The History menu seems to be most sensitive to this error. 

The error is corrected by switching the unit off and then on again.

We are naturally working to find the cause for this error.

Måløv 9/3-2018

Peter S. Jessen
