the Viking Corporation, 210 n industrial Park Drive, Hastings Mi 49058
telephone: 269-945-9501 technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 email: [email protected]
Care anD HanDling
oF SPrinklerS
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Form No. F_091699 16.12.01 Rev 16.1
general HanDling anD Storage inStruCtionS:
Do not store in temperatures exceeding 100 °F (38 °C). Avoid direct sunlight and confined areas subject to heat.
Protect sprinklers and cover assemblies during storage, transport, handling, and after installation.
-- Use original shipping containers.
-- Do not place sprinklers or cover assemblies loose in boxes, bins, or buckets.
Keep the sprinkler bodies covered with the protective sprinkler cap any time the sprinklers are shipped or handled, during testing of the system, and
while ceiling finish work is being completed.
Use only the designated Viking recessed sprinkler wrench (refer to the appropriate sprinkler data page) to install these sprinklers.
The protective cap is
temporarily removed during installation and then placed back on the sprinkler for protection until finish work is completed.
Do not over-tighten the sprinklers into fittings during installation.
Do not use the sprinkler deflector to start or thread the sprinklers into fittings during installation.
Do not attempt to remove drywall, paint, etc., from the sprinklers.
Remove the plastic protective cap from the sprinkler before attaching the cover plate assembly.
ProteCtiVe CaPS MuSt Be reMoVeD FroM
SPrinklerS BeFore PlaCing tHe SYSteM in SerViCe!
refer to the appropriate current technical data pages for complete care, handling, and installation instructions. Data
pages are included with each shipment from Viking or Viking distributors. they can also be found on the Web site at www.
Concealed Sprinkler and adapter
assembly with Protective Cap
Caution: ConCealeD CoVer aSSeMBlieS are Fragile!
to aSSure SatiSFaCtorY PerForManCe oF tHe ProDuCt, HanDle WitH Care
Cover Plate assembly
(Pendent Cover 12381 shown)
Concealed Sprinkler and adapter
assembly (Protective Cap removed)