January 6, 2012
2” MoDEL G-2000P PrEACTIoN
The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058
Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: [email protected]
Preaction 328g
Figure 7a - Activation of release system - single Interlock system
B. Activation of release system (single Interlock system):
When the detection system o�erates, the normally closed solenoid valve is �owered o�en. Prime water is drained �rom the �rime
chamber, causing the G-2000P �alve to o�en, �illing the s�rinkler �i�ing with water. Water �rom the intermediate chamber o� the
G-2000P �alve �ressurizes the sensing end o� the POR� causing the POR� to o�en. The o�en POR� �revents water �ressure
�rom building in the �rime chamber should the solenoid close.