January 6, 2012
2” MoDEL G-2000P PrEACTIoN
The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058
Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: [email protected]
Preaction 328a
The 2” Model G-2000P Preaction System with Electric Release can be used as a Single
Interlock Preaction System with Electric Release, or as a Double Interlock Preaction System
with Electric/Pneu-Lectric Release. These �reaction systems are commonly used where it is
These �reaction systems are commonly used where it is
im�ortant to control accidental water discharge due to inadvertent damage to the s�rinkler
�i�ing. The small �ro�ile, lightweight, �ilot o�erated �iking G-2000P �alve comes com�lete
The small �ro�ile, lightweight, �ilot o�erated �iking G-2000P �alve comes com�lete
as shown in Figure 8.
This pilot-operated externally reset valve also includes an internal
check diaphragm, which eliminates the need for a separate check valve being installed
in the system riser.
A. Viking supervised single-Interlocked Electric release Preaction systems
Utilizing the Viking G-2000P Valve.
The system �i�ing is �ressurized with air or nitrogen as required by NFPA 13 �or su-
�ervisory �ur�oses only. �iking recommends a minimum o� 15 to 20 PSI (1.0 to 1.4
bar) �or su�ervisory air �ressure �or single interlock systems (re�er to Table 2 �or double
interlock systems). This �eature serves to �revent undetected leaks on the system �i�-
ing network. I� the system �i�ing or a s�rinkler is damaged, the su�ervisory �ressure is
reduced and a “low air” su�ervisory alarm is activated.
Electrically released �reaction systems require a 24 �DC normally closed electric so-
lenoid valve controlled by an a��roved release control �anel with com�atible detection
system. In �ire conditions, when the detection system o�erates, the system control
�anel energizes the solenoid valve o�en. When the solenoid o�ens, the �riming water is relieved �rom the internal �rime chamber
assembly. The �rime chamber assembly colla�ses, and water �asses through the G-2000P �alve and internal check dia�hragm
to the system �i�ing network. The entire s�rinkler system �ills with water. The s�rinkler �i�ing will remain �illed with water until a
s�rinkler o�erates.
B. Viking supervised Double-Interlocked Electric/Pneu-Lectric release Preaction systems Utilizing the Viking G-2000P
The system �i�ing is �ressurized with air or nitrogen to serve both as a means o� su�ervising the integrity o� the �i�ing network
and as one �ortion o� the system release o�eration. This �eature serves to �revent undetected leaks on the system �i�ing net-
work. I� the system �i�ing or a s�rinkler is damaged, the su�ervisory �ressure is reduced and a “low air” su�ervisory alarm is
The 24 �DC normally closed electric solenoid and an additional “low air” alarm switch are connected to a com�atible release
24 �DC normally closed electric solenoid and an additional “low air” alarm switch are connected to a com�atible release
electric solenoid and an additional “low air” alarm switch are connected to a com�atible release
control �anel and com�atible detection devices. The release control �anel is �rogrammed so that a signal �rom both a release
device and the low air alarm switch must be received be�ore the solenoid is allowed to o�en. The air �ressure switch has two
inde�endently o�erating connections. The high side is wired as a low air su�ervisory switch, and the low side is wired as low air
alarm. In �ire conditions, a detection device and the low air alarm switch must o�erate in order to o�en the solenoid valve. When
the solenoid o�ens, �riming water is relieved �rom the G-2000P �alve’s internal �rime chamber assembly. The �rime chamber
assembly is �orced o�en by the system water su��ly and water �asses through the G-2000P �alve and internal check dia�hragm
to the system �i�ing network. The entire s�rinkler system �ills with water.
cULus Listed:
FM Approved:
Preaction S�rinkler Systems
Pressure Rating: 250 PSI (17.2 bar) Water Working Pressure
Factory Hydrostatically Tested to: 500 PSI (34.5 bar)
Friction Loss (Given in �eet o� Schedule 40 �i�e based on Hazen & Williams �ormula C = 120):
G-2000P �alve - 8.5’
10” Section o� Pi�e - 1’
Water Su��ly Control �alve: 1.9’
Model G-2000P �alve Cv Factor: 115.6
�alve Color: Black
Material specifications:
Re�er to Figure 11.
Q = Cv
Form No. F_011310
Q = Flow
Cv =
Flow Factor (GPM/1 PSI ∆P)
∆P =
Pressure Loss through �alve
S = S�eci�ic Gravity o� Fluid
�iking Technical Data may be �ound on
The �iking Cor�oration’s Web site at
The Web site may include a more recent
edition o� this Technical Data Page.
Re�laces �age 328a-m, dated July 1, 2011.
(Revised the re�lacement �arts list and Figure 11.)