tECHNiCaL Data
the Viking Corporation, 210 N industrial Park Drive, Hastings Mi 49058
telephone: 269-945-9501 technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: [email protected]
Form No. F_012213 Rev 14.1
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DESiGN CritEria
FM approval requirements:
• Approved for use in ceilings with medium and heavy load grids (ASTM C635 and C636).
• Meets NFPA 13, NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R guidelines.
• Intended for use in wet or dry systems.
• In suspended ceilings, outlet reducer must be secured to the ceiling support system with brackets supplied.
In suspended ceilings, outlet reducer must be secured to the ceiling support system with brackets supplied.
Hydraulic calculations for NFPa systems must include the values in ta�le 2 using the maximum num�er of �ends as in-
dicated. authorities Having Jurisdiction will require proper hydraulic calculations and inspect for proper �end radius and
maximum quantity of �ends as indicated in the ta�les. Note that FM minimum �end radius is 12” (305 mm).
:refer to the specific sprinkler data page for the sprinkler model used with the Flexi�le Sprinkler Drop.
Minimum inside Bend radius: 12” (305 mm) for FM
• Maximum Sprinkler K-Factor: 5.6 U.S. (80 metric) for the 1/2” outlet, 8.0 U.S. (115 metric) for the 3/4” outlet
• Maximum Num�er of Bends per Hose: refer to ta�le 2.
• repeated �ending of one portion of the flexi�le tu�e �efore installation may cause �reakage or loss of resisting pres-
• When using concealed sprinklers, they must �e installed in neutral or negative pressure plenums only.
iMPOrtaNt: always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. also refer to the appropriate
sprinkler data page. Viking sprinklers and Flexi�le Sprinkler Drops are designed to �e installed in accordance with the latest
Viking sprinklers and Flexi�le Sprinkler Drops are designed to �e installed in accordance with the latest
edition of Viking technical data, the latest standards of NFPa, FM Glo�al, LPCB, aPSaD, VdS or other similar organizations,
and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards whenever applica�le. the use of certain
types of sprinklers may �e limited due to occupancy and hazard. refer to the authority Having Jurisdiction prior to installa-
The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum main-
tenance and inspection requirements, refer to the latest edition of Viking technical data and the NFPA standard that de-
scribes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. The Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional maintenance,
testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed.
A. Sprinklers must be inspected on a regular basis for corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc. The frequency of
inspections may vary due to corrosive atmospheres, water supplies, and activity around the device.
B. Sprinklers that have been field painted or mechanically damaged must be replaced immediately. Sprinklers showing signs of
corrosion shall be tested and/or replaced immediately as required. Installation standards require sprinklers to be tested and, if
necessary, replaced after a specified term of service. Refer to the installation standards (e.g., NFPA 25) and the Authority Having
Jurisdiction for the specified period of time after which testing and/or replacement is required. Sprinklers that have operated
cannot be reassembled or re-used, but must be replaced. When replacement is necessary, use only new sprinklers.
C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection. Therefore, nothing should be hung from, attached to, or other-
wise obstruct the discharge pattern. All obstructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed.
D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed from service. Refer to the appropriate system description and/
or valve instructions. Prior to removing the system from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration should
be given to employment of a fire patrol in the affected area.
1. Remove the system from service, drain all water, and relieve all pressure on the piping.
2. Using the special sprinkler wrench, remove the old sprinkler and install the new unit. Care must be taken to ensure that
the replacement sprinkler is the proper model and style, with the appropriate orifice size, temperature rating, and response
characteristics. A fully stocked spare sprinkler cabinet should be provided for this purpose.
3. Place the system back in service and secure all valves. Check for and repair all leaks.
E. Sprinkler systems that have been subjected to a fire must be returned to service as soon as possible. The entire system must
be inspected for damage, and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of
combustion or high ambient temperatures, but have not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction
for minimum replacement requirements.
7. aVaiLaBiLitY
Viking Flexible Sprinkler Connection Assemblies are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The
Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation.
8. GUaraNtEE
For details of warranty, refer to Viking’s current list price schedule or contact Viking directly.