10. Remove plastic fi lm from center trim before installing. Install center connecting trim (Item #3) in between the two units by
pressing it in. Trim should be even with the top of the units. If needed, tap connecting trim gently into place with rubber
NOTE: Open both doors to install the trim. When installed, the
face of the trim should be fl ush with the breaker frame.
11. Once the connection to the heater and the unit installation is complete, you will need to enable the heater which was plugged
into the right hand unit. (Step 4 on page 7).
To enable the heater, on the control panel* of the
right hand unit, press the VAC and UP arrow key and
hold for 5 seconds. You will hear an alarm beep once
when it accepts the entry.
*NOTE: Control panel may vary depending on model
being installed.