Vig430P Motherboard Manual
Motherboard Jumper Settings
Clear CMOS (JBT1)
JBT1 is u
sed to clear CMOS. Instead of pins this “jumper” consists of contact pads to prevent
the accidental clearing of CMOS. To clear CMOS, use a metal object such as a small
screwdriver to touch both pads at the same time to short the connection. Always remove the AC
power cord from the system before clearing CMOS.
For an ATX power supply, you must completely shut down the system, remove the AC
power cord and then short JBT1 to clear CMOS.
GLAN Enable/Disable Jumper (JPL1/JPL2)
JPL1/JPL2 enables or disables the GLAN Port1/GLAN Port2 on the Motherboard. The default setting is
A. GLAN Port 1 Enable
B. GLAN Port 2 Enable
Figure 4:
GLAN Jumper Location