Notification of readiness for start-up
Assembly instructions
VITOBLOC 200 BM-190/238
Notification of readiness for start-up
Following completion of all works in accordance with the CHP installation instructions and in accordance
with the "General service conditions" issued by Viessmann Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung GmbH, we hereby
notify you of the readiness for commissioning the following CHP system:
We trust that you understand that we are unable to commission the machine unless you have
returned this form to us fully completed and on time.
To simplify the procedure and for scheduling purposes, please send us the first page as soon as
possible. We require pages 2 to 6 no later than one week before the planned commissioning date.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please sign this notice and send it to the following address:
Viessmann Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung GmbH
Leitstelle Technischer Dienst - CHP-Service
Fax: 08191 / 9279 - 751 or E-mail: [email protected]
Emmy-Noether-Str. 3
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Details regarding the installation site
Client / Address:
Telephone / Fax:
CHP unit / type:
Serial number: (on type plate next to fan)
System location:
Telephone / Fax:
Requested date of commissioning
(no earlier than 4 weeks after notice of readiness):
Other comments:
We are aware that Viessmann Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung GmbH will not be liable for losses or deviations
from design values that result from deviating operating conditions.
We (the client) will bear all additional costs in full that result from commissioning having to be terminated
on account of on-site defects, such as missing installations, connections, operating fluids and other
installation work in the installation room.
Company stamp and legally binding client signature