About this translated version
This instruction for use contains important information about the choice
of product or system, assembly and commissioning as well as intended
use and, if required, maintenance measures. The information about the
products, their properties and application technology are based on the
current standards in Europe (e.g. EN) and/or in Germany
(e.g. DIN/DVGW).
Some passages in the text may refer to technical codes in Europe/
Germany. These should serve as recommendations in the absence of
corresponding national regulations. The relevant national laws, stand‐
ards, regulations, directives and other technical provisions take priority
over the German/European directives specified in this manual: The
information herein is not binding for other countries and regions; as said
above, they should be understood as a recommendation.
About these instructions for use
Prevista Dry Plus washbasin module, barrier-free
5 from 11