Doc # INS-SFT-15003
Issue Date: 08/12/2016
Revision: B
Page 15 of 30
Video Capture Filter
Video Proc. Amp
On selecting Video Capture Filter, a dialog will be launched which displays 2 kinds of video capture filter
a) Video Proc Amp Settings
b) Camera Control Settings
Video Proc Amp Settings
The user can adjust the Video proc amp settings in the dialog. Only sliders whose labels are not
grayed out can be configured. The user can move the slider and configure the preview settings
according to their needs.
The value being set will be displayed in the text box associated with the slider. As soon as the
slider is moved to configure the values, the preview’s property will instantly change, Clicking Apply
button saves changes until the next time the dialog is opened.
Camera Control
To configure the camera control settings of the video capture filter the user can click on the
Camera Control tab. Once again slider control will allow the user to configure the camera settings
according to their need.