PIX 270i User Guide and Technical Information
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Storage and File Management
The PIX 270i records on up to four separate storage devices simultaneously. There are two PIX-CAD-
DY slots on the front panel that are accessed by pulling the LCD Handle forward and tilting the LCD
down. Additionally, there are two eSATAp connections on the rear panel. The four drive connections
are numbered 1 to 4. Functions on the PIX 270i will refer to the drives using these numbers.
Drives 1 and 2 are PIX-CADDY slots behind the LCD on the Front panel.
The PIX-CADDY 2 and PIX-CADDY CF allow for simple, quick, and solid connection and removal
of drives for file storage and exchange. When connected to a PIX 270i, whether powered on or off,
the caddy’s USB 3.0 and FireWire 800 connections are disabled. When the caddy is removed, it oper-
ates as a high-speed data interface for transferring files from the drive to a computer. Only one data
connection can be used at a time. See PIX-CADDY 2 documentation for details on attaching a 2.5”
drive to the PIX-CADDY.
The PIX-CADDY CF supports CF cards instead of 2.5” drives. It functions the same as the PIX-CAD-
DY except that it does not support Video or Mono WAV File recording.
Drives 3 and 4 are eSATAp connections on the Rear panel. These connections can be used to power
an external drive via 5V eSATAp, or they can be used with powered external enclosures using an
eSATA (non-powered) cable. It is important to use an approved drive and external enclosure to en-
sure proper performance. An up-to-date list of supported storage devices can be found online:
Supported Storage Devices
Sound Devices maintains a list of storage devices that are approved for use with the PIX 270i. An up-
to-date list of supported storage devices can be found online:
Approved mechanical drives are recommended for use only in stationary applications. Excessive vibration
or motion may cause data corruption when using mechanical drives.
The PIX 270i formats and writes to an exFAT filesystem. The exFAT filesystem is readable and writ-
able by Mac OS X, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. Files stored in an exFAT filesystem
are not restricted to 4GB, unlike FAT32 (a commonly utilized filesystem in other digital recorders).
Storage devices to be used with the PIX 270i must be formatted by the PIX 270i.
Drives formatted to UDF with earlier versions of PIX firmware can still be used in the current PIX 270i.
Windows XP is not compatible with exFAT volumes by default.
The Microsoft update KB955704
) will allow Windows XP to read and
write to exFAT volumes.