PIX 270i User Guide and Technical Information
The PIX 270i can record video and audio together to a QuickTime .mov file (Video Mode) or
audio only to a .wav file (Audio Mode). File type is selected in
[System - Video/Audio Mode]
The PIX 270i can record to up to four drives simultaneously or in sequence (Setup Menu
[File Storage - Video Record Mode]
). Each drive can be configured indepen-
dently to be available for recording, available for playback (read-only), shared on the net-
work via Samba, or switched to network sharing after becoming full (Setup Menu option
[File Storage - Drive Record/Network Mode]
). Any number of PIX 270i units can be assigned to one
of four available network groups for frame synchronized record and playback of video on multiple
See “Network Grouping”, page 47
Pressing the REC button will start recording provided there is valid video signal present (Video
Mode) or at least one audio track is armed (Audio Mode). Recording will continue until the Stop (
button is pressed or until all available media is full. Record and Stop can also be triggered by other
devices via a web browser, RS-422, GPIO, SDI Triggers, and Timecode. External control of such func-
tions is set in
Remote Control
. (
See “External Control”, page 50
See “Synchronization and Timecode”,
While recording, the REC button will illuminate red and the OSD items Timecode, File Name, ABS
Time, and drives actively recording turn red. The PIX 270i is a record-priority device and will enter
record any time the REC button is pressed. If the PIX 270i is not ready to record when a record com-
mand is given, the PIX 270i will enter a Record Pending state. In this state the REC button will flash
red. This is usually caused by file storage mounting or response time, loss of video input, or Play/
The Setup Menu is not accessible during recording and playback. The File List is not accessible dur-
ing Playback.
Sound Devices File Format
During recording the PIX 270i writes to a temporary file format. Video files are written with the
extension .SDV and audio files are written with the extension .SDA. When recording is stopped, the