Flash set correctly
Once the proper setting is found, it will not need to be readjusted even if
the room lighting changes. If the subject distance changes these settings
will need to be readjusted.
Adjusting Flash Capture Quality
Adjust the “Red” and “Blue” scroll bars to adjust the image color balance.
The values can be adjusted from -50 to +50. Positive values increase Red
or Blue. Negative Colors decrease Red or Blue. These setting are
remembered between captures and sessions and will be restored on the
next capture without additional adjustment.
NOTE: If large positive or negative values of Red or Blue need to be added,
the “Flash Red” and “Flash Blue” adjustments should be set to minimize the
values of these settings. See “Tips on Quality Captures”
later in the manual.
If large values of Red and Blue are
needed click the
“Don’t Save”
and click the
button. The
“Test” dialog will open.
Set the
Flash Color Correction
button for the setting (Fluorescent or
Default) that is not being used.
Do not close the “Test” dialog box and
take another flash capture.
Adjust the “Flash Red” and “Flash
Blue” controls on the main dialog for
color balance. Use the “Flash Color Correction” setting that needs
the smallest adjustment of the “Red” and “Blue”
If desired this process can be continued by adjusting the “Flash
Red” and “Flash Blue” controls in the “Test” dialog, taking
another capture and adjusting the “Red” and “Blue” controls in the
main dialog.
Please note that the Flash color controls only effect flash captures
and have no effect on the live preview.
Cropping Control
allows the user to set cropping parameters for both
preview and capture. The live preview will display live video that
corresponds to these parameters. The capture image will also conform to
these dimensions.
These parameters can be set to match the picture box of the card design
thereby eliminating the need for software cropping and speeding up the
capture process. The efficiency of the process will depend on how the
photo-id application handles image captures. If the cropping function of
your photo-id software can be disabled, you can use the camera to crop
and capture straight to your card.
Another advantage of this feature is that the live preview will correspond
to the actual “portrait” design of the card for a more pleasing and realistic
rendition of the image.