16398 Rev B Updated 04/2021 © 2021 Victaulic Company. All rights reserved.
User Responsibility for Product Selection and Suitability
Each user bears final responsibility for making a determination as to the suitability of
Victaulic products for a particular end-use application, in accordance with industry
standards and project specifications, and the applicable building codes and related
regulations as well as Victaulic performance, maintenance, safety, and warning
instructions. Nothing in this or any other document, nor any verbal recommendation,
advice, or opinion from any Victaulic employee, shall be deemed to alter, vary, supersede,
or waive any provision of Victaulic Company's standard conditions of sale, installation
guide, or this disclaimer.
Intellectual Property Rights
No statement contained herein concerning a possible or suggested use of any material,
product, service, or design is intended, or should be constructed, to grant any license
under any patent or other intellectual property right of Victaulic or any of its subsidiaries
or affiliates covering such use or design, or as a recommendation for the use of such
material, product, service, or design in the infringement of any patent or other intellectual
property right. The terms “Patented” or “Patent Pending” refer to design or utility patents
or patent applications for articles and/or methods of use in the United States and/or other
This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products
to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions.
Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard
equipment without notice and without incurring obligations.
Reference should always be made to the Victaulic installation handbook or installation
instructions of the product you are installing. Handbooks are included with each shipment
of Victaulic products, providing complete installation and assembly data, and are available
in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.com.
Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details.
and all other Victaulic marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of
Victaulic Company, and/or its affiliated entities, in the U.S. and/or other countries.
• Read and understand all instructions before attempting to install any Victaulic
• Always verify that the piping system has been completely depressurized and
drained immediately prior to installation, removal, adjustment, or maintenance of
any Victaulic products.
• Wear safety glasses, hardhat, and foot protection.
Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious personal injury
and property damage.
• These products shall be used only in fire protection systems that are designed and installed in accordance with current, applicable
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13, 13D, 13R, etc.) standards, or equivalent standards, and in accordance with applicable
building and fire codes. These standards and codes contain important information regarding protection of systems from freezing
temperatures, corrosion, mechanical damage, etc.
• The installer shall understand the use of this product and why it was specified for the particular application.
• The installer shall understand common industry safety standards and potential consequences of improper product installation.
• It is the system designer's responsibility to verify suitability of materials for use with the intended fluid media within the piping system
and external environment.
• The material specifier shall evaluate the effect of chemical composition, pH level, operating temperature, chloride level, oxygen level,
and flow rate on materials to confirm system life will be acceptable for the intended service.
Failure to follow installation requirements and local and national codes and standards could compromise system integrity or cause system
failure, resulting in death or serious personal injury and property damage.
All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from -67°F/-55°C.
I-40: Victaulic FireLock™ Automatic Sprinklers Installation and Maintenance Instructions