ViconNet Configuration
After the server has been setup with the proper IP address, configuration features from a remote workstation,
server or recorder are available as follows:
A network settings screen is used to modify the server’s IP parameters. This allows great flexibility in
network setup.
Note: This setup can be performed from any workstation connected to the server and to the Nucleus.
1. Verify that the server is connected to the network and that it is active.
2. From the workstation desktop, run the ViconNet application.
3. After logging in, open the site setup selection window.
4. Select the KTX-4V2 unit to be configured and click Select.
5. Open the “Network Setup and Site Name” setup window. Network Settings window will display. See
Figure below.
6. Change the required parameters and click OK. (See your IT administrator for specific network
parameters.) The server application will restart.
Network Settings Window
XX172-00-00 Rev 206 KTX-4V2 Digital Video Server
Chapter 4 - Operation