The KTX-4V2 server is shipped with the CD needed to setup your IP system. This CD contains the
KT Setup and ViconNet software required for installation.
Be sure the ViconNet Workstation meets the minimum requirements, is running the ViconNet application
(KTSetup.exe) and has the proper camera driver. Refer to ViconNet manual XX113-0X, (where X is a
revision number between 0 and 9).
The default parameters on the server are:
IP address: [].
Nucleus IP address: [].
The DHCP option (obtains an IP address automatically) is OFF by default. To change the setup to
operate in a network using fixed IP addresses, the option "Specify IP address" should be selected (see
the section ”Using the KT Setup application" that follows).
On first startup, the camera will attempt to establish connection to the Nucleus with the default Nucleus IP
address. Connecting it to an active Nucleus is done through the KT Setup utility.
To configure the Server:
Note: Before starting, make sure that KTSetup.exe is installed on the configuring PC workstation. It can
be found on the included CD, KTX-4V2 Software.
There are two ways to change the server’s network settings:
Activating the server for the first time: via KTSetup.exe application.
Server connects to an active Nucleus: via ViconNet application (connection to Nucleus is necessary).
XX172-00-00 Rev 206 KTX-4V2 Digital Video Server
Chapter 4 - Operation