16624471_en (04/2005)
These operating instructions provide you with detailed information concerning system set up and
maintenance of your new Rotary Tedder. In addition, the instructions also include safety instructions
which ensure safe employment of the machine. The operating instructions contain descriptions of all the
available equipment, the various models and all of the special and additional pieces of equipment
which are not usually included in the delivery.
These operating instructions are intended to aid you in getting the best possible use out of your new
Rotary Tedder.
The performance of your machine depends to a great extent on correct use and careful maintenance.
For this reason, read the instructions carefully before the first system start up and always keep them
near at hand. By doing so you will avoid accidents, preserve the manufacturer’s warranty and always
enjoy the advantages of an efficient and reliable machine.
The Kverneland company is continuously making every effort to improve their products. The company
reserves the right to make any alterations or improvements to the machines considered necesssary.This
does not, however, obligate the company to modify machines which have been previously delivered.
Read and observe the operating and safety instructions before system start up!
If you have any questions which are not covered by the operating instructions, please contact your
nearest dealer.
We hope you reap a bountiful harvest with the help of the Rotary Tedder.
Kverneland Group Gottmadingen GmbH & Co. KG
Hauptstraße 99
D-78244 Gottmadingen
Tel. 07731-788-0
Fill in your machine details here:
Machine type
Serial number
Initial start-up on