VIA Mobile360 FSS AWS IoT Core Quick Start Guide
2.5 Connecting to AWS IoT Core with the VIA
Mobile360 FSS EVK
The VIA Mobile360 FSS EVK includes an “IoTSDKSample” application to help establish a connection between
the physical sensors/actuators on the VIA Mobile360 FSS device and the AWS IoT Core web service.
This section guides developers on how to enable and run the “IoTSDKSample” application.
Step 1
$ mount -o remount,rw
Step 2
Copy the device certificate (CertFile), private key file (PvkFile) and the Amazon Root CA certificate (CAFile)
created in
to "/etc/aws/certs".
Open the settings file “/etc/aws/iot.xml” and modify the following values based on AWS IoT Core setup:
• Host URL
: Input the domain name from the Device Shadow URL obtained in
Host URL in line 4.
• CAFile
: Input the name of the Amazon Root CA certificate in line 8.
• CertFile
: Input the name of the Certificate file in line 9.
• PvkFile
: Input the name of the Private Key file in line 10.
• ThingName
: Insert the defined "ThingName" in line 14.
Save the changes made to the settings file.