Accessories for the FL-8 SLT
The unique P-160 Porta Case holds your FL-8, FL-
8SE or other manufacturer's sonar or GPS. It has space
for your transducer, a rechargeable battery, and the
Vexilar Battery Status Indicator. Just set it down on
the ice or boat seat, position the transducer and turn
on your flasher. The round base is just the right size
to fit down inside a standard 5 gallon bucket.
The new P-100 carrying case is simple, sturdy,
and inexpensive. It is an easy way to mount the
Vexilar FL-8 and many other depth finder and GPS.
Made of heavy ABS plastic, this case can take abuse
at any time of year.
This V-120 Battery was designed for sportsmen
on the go, with rugged construction and design fea-
tures that make it ideal for summer and winter use. With a near "bullet-
proof" charger, this system packs enough power to run your equipment
for hours, and for years to come.
The T-130 Battery Status Indicator works with all 12 volt lead acid
batteries and can be permanently mounted or used as a
portable unit. It monitors your battery constantly as it is dis-
charging and charging. Battery charge status is indicated
with highly visible LED lights. Portable durable, water-
proof and compact. Draws very low current.
Possible Cause
Unit is turned on, but no
display and motor is not
Check for bad connections, proper hook
up polarity, and make sure you have a
good, fully charged, battery.
Unit is turned on and
the motor is running,
but there is no display.
Battery voltage too low. The unit will
show no display if the voltage is below
10 volts. Check while unit is running.
Unit runs well for a
short time, then lights
fade out or unit quits.
Bad battery or connection. Voltage may
be good when checked, but will fall as as
unit runs.
Unit runs and shows
display light, but does
not read depth.
Transducer is not plugged in, not in con-
tact with the water.
Unit works, but needs
high gain to see bottom
or targets.
Transducer is not aimed correctly or
needs to be cleaned. 19º transducers will
have trouble seeing small targets deep.
Unit works, but has too
many lines on the dis-
play. Can't tell what is
Improper transducer adjustment. Also,
gain may be set too high or ,if gain is set
to minimum, you may need an S-Cable
(see page 27).
Unit works well when sit-
ting still or at when slow
trolling, but loses reading
at higher speeds.
Improper transducer type, installation,
or adjustment causing a loss of clear
water flow across the transducer when
the boat reaches a certain speed.
Unit shows noise when
engine or electric motor
is turned on.
Defective engine or electric motor. Also
can be improper grounding or missing
ground in electrical system.
I.R. does not work. Can’t
eliminate interference
from other depth finder.
Gain may be set too high or the other
unit has a problem.