Radio Remote Control
Straighten out the long black antenna wire of the receiver.
Don’t bundle this wire with other wires, let it hang free or secure it as far from other
wires as possible.
Using screws, secure the receiver to a bulkhead or if that’s impossible, use wire ties
to secure the transmitter to an existing bundle of wire or other fixed object.
Don’t connect the orange wire to anything, just tape the end of it with
electrician’s adhesive tape.
4 Close the access panel, the installation is complete.
5 Turn the power to the thrusters back on at the battery switches.
3 How to add and program additional transmitters
1 Turn the power on to your thruster system.
Open the access panel that provides access to the underside of your dash/instru-
ment panel and locate a receiver of your Vetus thruster remote control system.
3 Locate the orange wire of the receiver, bare the wire end, and connect it to positive
(+) 1 or 4 Volt boat power. The simplest way to do that may be to insert the bare
end of the orange wire into the red connector of an unused thruster control plug.
4 With the orange wire connected to a positive source of boat electrical power, hold
any button of the new transmitter down for one second. You can repeat this process
with up to six more transmitters, for a maximum total of eight.
5 Disconnect the orange wire and tape the bare end.
6 Switch off power to the thruster system and switch back on again. Check the opera-
tion of the new transmitter.
7 Close the access panel. Installation and programming is complete.