2021/08/30 08:42
SLICE-DHV Dual-Channel High-Voltage Amplifier
Product Manuals - https://www.vescent.com/manuals/
Sweep Tune Mode of Internal Ramp
The Sweep Tune mode allows interactive control over the internal ramp parameters. This mode can
be used to center the output of the SLICE-DHV on a particular feature of the experiment.
When in Sweep Tune mode, the Home screen will change to appear similar to
, with an R in a
red circle in the DC Bias field and an L in a blue circle in the Range field. In Sweep Tune mode, the
user can turn the right knob to actively adjust the bias and the left knob to actively adjust the range.
The rotary knob will affect the underlined digit in the respective parameter field. To change which
digit is affected by rotation of the knob, push to click the knob and the cursor under the active digit
will cycle through from right to left, selecting the next most significant digit after each click.
Fig. 21: Sweep Tune mode
Only one Channel can have Sweep Tune mode active at any given time.
When in Sweep Tune mode:
The rotary knob edit method is not available for the DC Bias and Range fields. Only keypad
editing is allowed.
DC Bias and Range readouts for the channel react to rotary knob actions while the Settings
menu is displayed but no rotary edit is in progress on that menu.
Modulating the SLICE-DHV Output
The user can input an analog voltage signal to control the output of the SLICE-DHV. Before introducing
a modulation signal, make sure you have selected the
The default modulation input port is the SMA connector on the rear panel (bubble 3,
user can also program the SLICE-DHV to accept the modulation signal from the front-panel INPUT A
for Channel 1 and INPUT B for Channel 2. Only one modulation input for a given channel can be active
at any given time. To toggle between modulation input locations touch the I/O icon on the control bar
and then the relevant INPUT field (A for CH1 or B for CH 2;
). Select OFF for rear-panel input
or Modulation Input for front-panel input.
While similar in performance, the rear-panel SMA input will have minimum noise. Use this input when