C h apter 2 M ech an ical In stallation 13
L iebert E X S 30 kV A A n d 4 0 kV A U P S U ser M an ual
Chapter 2
Mechanical Installation
T his chapter briefly introduces the m echanical installation of the U PS, including the precautions, initial
inspection before installation, environm ental requirem ent, m echanical requirem ent and installation
diag ram .
P recaution s
N o tw o sites are the sam e, therefore this section provides general guidelines, procedures and m ethods for
installation eng ineers, w ho shall adapt the installation to m eet the actual conditions.
W a rn in g : p ro fe s s io n a l in s ta lla tio n re q u ire d
1. T h e U P S sh ould be in stalled by a qualified en g in eer in accordan ce w ith th e in form ation provided in th is section . In
th e even t of an y problem s, con tact your local V ertiv service cen ter im m ediately.
2. T h e U P S m u st N O T be sw itch ed on w ith out th e ap proval of th e com m ission in g en g in eer.
3. In th e case of an y equipm en t or item s n ot covered by th is section , refer to th e specific m ech an ical an d/or electrical
in stallation in struction s provided w ith such item s.
W a rn in g
T h e U P S can be connected to IT (4 -pole sw itch required), T N an d T T A C distribution system s (IEC 60 364 -3), an d
m ust b e of 3-p h ase 5-w ire (A , B , C , N , P E ) system .
W a rn in g : b a tte ry d a n g e r
T ake special care w h en in stallin g batteries. W h en con n ecting batteries, th e battery term in al g en erates D C h ig h
voltag e, w h ich is fatal to h um an bein g .
1. P lease w ear safety g lasses to protect th e eyes from bein g d am ag ed by arc.
2. R em ove all th e m etal item s, in cludin g fin g er rin g s, w atch , etc.
3. U se tools w ith in sulated h an dle.
4 . W ear rubber g loves.
5. If th e battery h as electrolyte leakag e or th e battery is dam ag ed, it m ust b e replaced. P lace th e battery in to th e
con tain er th at can w ith stan d sulfuric acid an d dispose of it accordin g to th e local reg ulations.
6 . If th e skin con tacts th e electrolyte, flush it w ith w ater im m ediately.
T ran sp ortation
R ailroad transportation and shipping are the recom m ended m eans of transportation. If truck transportation
is unavoidable, choose roads that are less bum py in order to protect the equipm ent.
T he U P S cabinet is heavy (see T able 10 -3 for its w eig ht). It is recom m ended to use m echanical equipm ent
such as an electric forklift to unload and m ove the equipm ent to the place closest to the installation site. If
an electric forklift is used, insert the tines of the forklift below the bottom pallet (as show n in Figure 2-1) to
prevent the equipm ent from falling over.
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