(6) Advanced Setup
There are three advanced functions for switch you can setup here:
Port Locking
In the Port Locking function, you can allow only one user to use the network connection
of some port through the switch. There could be two different lock operations for the
Static Lock: If the "Switch Aging" function of the switch in "Broadcast Storm Filter"
setup is set to disable, only the user that the switch learns firstly on that port can use this
connection port even if the user turns OFF his PC.
Dynamic Lock: If the "Switch Aging" setting is enable, another user with other Mac ID
could be the "only-one" user for the port after last user is OFF and his MAC ID is aged
Broadcast Storm Filter
You can enable/disable the aging and broadcast storm filtering functions of the switch
from this function.
If the broadcast storm filtering function is enable, the broadcast packets over the rising
threshold within 50ms will be discarded. You can set three threshold levels (per port) for
broadcast storm.
1: 10% for all 100TX, 1% for not all 100TX
2: 20% for all 100TX, 2% for not all 100TX
3: 40% for all 100TX, 4% for not all 100TX