Vermont Castings EWF36A
Keep your EWF36A Fireplace Looking New
and Working Its Best
Care of the Cast Iron Surface
An occasional dusting with a dry rag will keep the painted
cast iron of your EWF36A fireplace looking new.
If the paint needs retouching, first allow the surface
to cool completely. Wire-brush areas needing to be
painted. Touch-up with high temperature stove paint
available from your local dealer. Apply the paint spar-
ingly. Two light coats are better than one heavy one.
Cleaning the Glass
The EWF36A glass system requires a minimum amount
of cleaning. Most carbon deposits that accumulate will
burn off during hot fires.
Ash residue that accumulates on the glass should be
removed periodically to prevent etching. To clean the
glass, follow this procedure:
• Be sure the glass is completely cool.
• Cleaning with water will work in most cases. Use
a glass cleaner especially made for this purpose
only if deposits are especially heavy. (If heavy
deposits are a frequent occurrence, however,
evaluate your operating techniques.)
• Rinse the glass thoroughly.
• Dry the glass completely.
NOTE: The EWF36A glass is coated with a special
material on the outside that helps reflect heat back
into the fire chamber. Do not attempt to remove
this coating.
Adjust the Door Latch Periodically
The front door of the fireplace should close securely to
prevent accidental opening and should close tightly to
prevent air from leaking into the fire chamber. The door
handles will be positioned vertically when the door is
Over a period of time, the gasket around the door will
compress and the latch may need adjustment. To ad-
just the handle, follow this procedure (Fig. 31):
1. Loosen the small lock nut with a wrench.
2. Extend the striker screw one turn by turning it with
an Allen wrench.
3. Retighten the lock nut, while at the same time hold-
ing the striker screw with the Allen wrench to prevent
its turning.
Test the door seal. Close the door on a dollar bill and
attempt to pull it free. If the bill is freed with little resis-
Door Pawl
Small Lock-
ing Nut
Locking Nut
Set Screw
Striker Screw
Handle Stub
Fig. 31
Turn the striker screw to tighten or loosen the door
tance, the gasket isn’t snug enough at that spot. Con-
tinue to make small adjustments until the setting is right.
If additional adjusting of the latch does not enable the
door to seal sufficiently in one area, try “adjusting” the
gasket in that area. Pack more cement or a smaller
diameter gasket into the channel beneath the gasket so
that the main gasket is raised and makes contact with
the door frame. This procedure should solve the prob-
lem. If the gasket needs replacing, follow the directions
beginning on Page 23.
The Catalytic Element
This wood heater contains a catalytic combustor, which
needs periodic inspection and replacement for proper
operation. In the United States, it is against the law to
operate this wood heater in a manner inconsistent with
the operating instructions in this manual, or if the cata-
lytic element is deactivated or removed.
Under normal operating conditions, the catalytic com-
bustor should remain active for two to six years (de-
pending on the amount of wood burned). However, it
is important to monitor the combustor periodically to
ensure that it is functioning properly, as well as to de-
termine when it needs to be replaced. A nonfunctional
combustor will result in a loss of heating efficiency, and
an increase in creosote and emissions.
Inspection and Cleaning
Inspect the combustor “in place” for fly ash accumula-
tion and physical damage three times per year. Do not
remove the combustor unless a more detailed inspec-
tion is warranted because of diminished performances
as outlined in the next section.