Verizon tx240g Скачать руководство пользователя страница 3

2.  Once you've opened your side of the NID, you'll see one or more sets of screw 

      terminals inside. Each will have a short piece of telephone wire coming out of it 

      with a phone connector on the end plugged into a corresponding jack. If there's 

      only one line coming into your house, you'll most likely have only one set of screw 

      terminals. To disconnect from the phone company, simply unplug each of the 

      short telephone wires from its corresponding jack.



Typical Network Interface Device or “NID”. 

It is normally grey in color but may also be painted the 

same color as the house. 

Appearance may vary.

Outside view of the NID showing only the customer’s side open 




3.  Next, you need to make it obvious to others such as phone company technicians 

     that you've unplugged the house phone wires on purpose and that they shouldn't 

     undo your modifications without risking damage to your inside equipment. 

     Start by wrapping the end of each of the telephone wires you just unplugged 

     with electrical tape so it can't be plugged back in without unwrapping the tape. 

     Then, clearly label the inside of the box with a message that says something like:

     "Do not reconnect! May cause damage to inside equipment!" Your wireless service 

      provider may supply you with a sticker to place inside the NID to alert the phone 

      company technician why you disconnected your house wiring. No matter how 

      you choose to label the box, be sure it is clear, written in water proof ink and easy 

      to read.

4.  Once you've clearly labeled the inside of the NID, close and refasten the box. 

Step Two — Confirm the Line is Disconnected

IMPORTANT: After you've isolated your home phone wiring from the phone 

                            company's, it's important to confirm the line is disconnected before 

                            installing your TX240G wireless terminal. 

                            Go back into your house and pick up a phone that's plugged into a 

                             jack that previously worked. You should hear absolutely nothing. 

                             If the line's not dead, go back and check your work. If your work 

                            looks correct and the line's still not dead, it means that voltage is 

                            somehow still being carried on the home wiring and it's not safe for 

                            you to proceed any further. Consult a professional electrician or

                            telephone technician for help.

Step Three — Connect Your TX240G Wireless Terminal

If you've successfully isolated your wiring and you've confirmed the line is dead, the 

hard part's over. It's time to connect to your TX240G wireless terminal.

Simply plug your TX240G wireless terminal into any telephone wall jack using a 

standard telephone cord. Finally, plug regular phones into the other jacks in your 

house. Telephone jacks are wired in parallel, so when you plug your phone adapter 

into any working jack, it will spread the signal to the other jacks in your home. 

Also the TX240G has two jacks on the back of the unit. These two jacks are bridged 

together so you can connect to the wall jack and a phone next to the terminal.
