VC4000DAQ Manual
7. VC4000 SETUP
This section explains the setup options in the
VC4000. Each setting is described in detail.
The VC4000 has many settings that can be changed to suit your
needs. The unit will operate in default mode without any operator
intervention. Usually only the sensors need to be turned on or off.
Following is a flowchart to help you navigate to the setting you may
want to change. All of these settings can be changed using Profile
software as well, and will be easier using Profile since the settings
are laid out on forms.
Figure 26: Profile VC4000 setup window
VC4000 Setup
VC4000DAQ Manual
To change setup, click the
key and select “Setup”. The
VC4000 will store the settings when setup is exited and confirm with
a message at the bottom of the screen.