Operation and maintenance, Discfilter HPF2200-series PFLC
7.7.2 Replacing the inlet gasket
1. Turn the main power switch to the OFF (0) position and lock with a padlock.
2. Lower the water level in the filter until the whole inlet gasket is accessible.
3. Note how the inlet gasket is fitted before it is dismantled.
4. Loosen the screws and nuts holding the inlet gasket in position.
5. Remove the inlet gasket.
6. Fit a new inlet gasket.
7. Start operations again as set out in section 5.1.
7.8 Lifting the drum
The filter is equipped with two drumlifting devices, each located at the gables of the filter, that is
to be used when lifting the drum.
7.8.1 Use of the front drum lifter
The front drum lifter is placed along the centreline of the filter, on a bracket behind the hori-
zontal beam above the inlet channel. The screw marked in blue in figure 7.8.1 displays where the
front drum lifter is located.
Figure 7.8.1 Location of the front drum lifter displayed.