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Venture Industries Sp. z o.o.
Mokra 27 Street
05-092 Łomianki-Kiełpin
No RFEC/U/2017- 2 (EN)
tel. (0-22) 7519550; 7512031, fax (0-22) 7512259; 7511202, e-mail: [email protected]
The fan can make over and under pressure. In areas where a specified air pressure and the quantity of air are required (eg. in places with
combustion) make sure that there would be no deficit/excess of air. Ensure that the installation to which the fan is connected withstand the
under/over pressure which can be made by fan (including work with forbidden parameters).
1.2.5 risk and guidelines related with temperature
The housing and fan elements are not insulated and take the temperature of the transported medium. During transport the temperature of
medium and fan components may increase. Electric motor may heat up to high temperatures (especially when overloaded/overheated – cased
by eg. blocking the impeller, too low supply voltage, too high medium temperature). The appropriate steps should be made to prevent from
fire and burns caused of high temperatures.
In case of fire – to extinguish a fire use fire extinguisher approved for electrical equipment and follow recommendation of fire department.
1.2.6 risk and guidelines related with electricity and unexpected start/ connecting power supply
Before any work on the fan (e.g.: installation, maintenance and review, dismantling) the power supply must be completely
disconnected (all poles, check there is no voltage, disconnecting switch with minimum 3mm insulation gap).
Make sure that power supply won’t by connected during the work on the unit, and that the moving parts do not move. It is
recommended to wait 3 minutes after disconnecting unit before open the fan cover.
Warning: risk of electric shock.
The appropriate steps should be made to prevent from electric shock. Protect from getting access to the electric elements by unauthorized
Fan is not equipped with control system which blocks restart after a power shutdown or failure – the return of power supply cause in
immediate start. Make sure that there will not be any dangerous and forbidden situation in case of temporary power supply failure.
The built-in motor regulator protection turns off fan only during the failure. This protection after tripping (e.g. caused by motor temperature
overload) resets automatically (e.g. after cooling down motor temperature). Make sure that there won’t be any dangerous and forbidden
situation after tripping motor protections.
In case of blocking the impeller –release of impeller can provide to sudden movement. Take appropriate steps to prevent form blocking
impeller, and in such case turn off power supply and review the fan (see chapter 5).
After disconnecting power supply the fan rotating parts are still rotating for period of time under the accumulated energy. Take it into
account when using the fan.
1.2.7 risk and guidelines related with use
Improper installation and use may lead to damage of the device and to the dangerous situation. The unit can by installed, maintained,
dismantled and used only by qualified and authorized personnel, in accordance to safety rules and current regulations in the country of use
(including proper electrical authorization). Personnel need to be familiar with reactions of the fan.
If it is necessary to remove parts of the unit (e.g. during montage or maintenance), users must be warned about the potential
risk, and these parts of unit must be closed/mount after the completion of the work.
It is forbidden to use the unit if it is incomplete /
Warning: Risk of serious injury
• The device must not be exposed to radiation (such as microwave, UV, laser, x-ray).
• Any modifications of the unit are forbidden. Complicated maintenance work (such as dismantling the motor or impeller) need to be made by
Venture Industries Sp. z o.o. service or with it permission. Improper assembly may lead to reduce the fan parameters, damage the unit and
lead to the dangerous situation.
1.2.8 risk and guidelines related with explosive atmospheres
Contact of the fan with explosive atmospheres could cause the ignition. It is forbidden to storage or use the fan with explosive atmospheres
inside or outside the unit.
During transport and storage follow the guidelines contained in 1 chapter and
transport and storage guidelines
2.1 transport and storage guidelines
The fan should be transported and stored in original packaging, without excessive shocks. The device must be protected from weather
conditions, transported and stored in dry, well ventilated, and free from substances harmful to the device areas. The fan cannot be transported
and stored in areas with fertilizers, chlorinated lime, acids and other aggressive chemicals. Fan should be protected against foreign body
During transport and storage protect the fan against damage (including crush).
The unit should be lifted by the base. Do not lift the unit by wires, terminal box, grid, impeller, cover.
It is recommended that storage time not exceed one year. After long storage, check the fan. (chapter 5).
During installation follow the guidelines contained in 1 section of this instruction and and
installation guidelines
3.1 installation guidelines
The fan is a machine not ready for use (within the meaning of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/WE - before use ensure conformity with
requirements of Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and current editions (with changes) of: EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13857, EN 349+A1, EN ISO
13850, EN 60204-1.
Before installation remove temporary items that protect fan during transport and storage (e.g. box, foil, caps – do not remove any guards) –
Starting the fan with those items could lead to damage of the fan. Make sure that the fan is not damaged.