Specifi cations - 43
Engine will not turn over.
Selector lever is not in the park position.
PTO switch is engaged.
Neutral start switch is out of adjustment.
Low voltage battery.
Blown fuse in start circuit.
Faulty relay in start circuit.
Electrical problem in start circuit.
Engine cranks, but won’t start.
Insuffi cient fuel supply.
Faulty injector pump.
Glow plugs not working.
Plugged fuel fi lters.
Cold weather - let glow plugs cycle a second time.
Fuel start solenoid not working.
Engine runs rough.
Plugged or partially plugged fuel fi lters.
Plugged or partially plugged air fi lters.
Fuel cap vent is plugged or dirty.
Stale fuel, dirty fuel, insuffi cient fuel level.
Dirty or faulty fuel injectors.
Faulty injector pump.
Engine is low in power.
Plugged or partially plugged fuel fi lters (most common).
Plugged or partially plugged air fi lters.
Low cylinder compression.
Dirty or faulty fuel injectors/pump.
Engine overheats.
Dirty radiator screen.
Low coolant level.
Debris in engine compartment.
Defective radiator cap.
Defective thermostat.
Loose alternator belt.
Oil light comes on when running.
Low in oil.
Plugged oil fi lter.
Faulty oil sender.
Faulty oil pump.
Engine uses excessive oil.
Check for leaks.
Incorrect engine oil.
Plugged air intake fi lter.