Service - 58
ROPS And Seat Belt Inspection
Failure to inspect and maintain the Roll-Over Pro-
tection System and seat belt can lead to serious
injury or death.
If any part of the ROPS experiences structural
damage, the entire ROPS must be replaced.
Inspect the roll bar and seat belt prior to operation,
as part of the daily inspection.
1. Inspect the roll bar for damage, missing compo-
nents, and loose or missing hardware. Replace
any damaged or missing components and tighten
loose hardware prior to operating the power unit.
2. Inspect the seat belt webbing for cuts, abra-
sions, fraying, or excessive wear.
3. Inspect the seat belt webbing for damage from
exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. If the original
color of the webbing is extremely faded, the physi-
cal strength of the webbing may be deteriorated.
4. Inspect the seat belt webbing for dust and dirt.
If the webbing is packed with dirt, the physical
strength of the webbing may be deteriorated.
5. Inspect the seat belt webbing for stiffness. If
the webbing is no longer flexible, the physical
strength of the webbing may be deteriorated.
6. Inspect the seat belt buckle and latch for dam-
age, cracks, or excessive wear.
7. Inspect the seat belt for proper operation. The
seat belt should latch securely and release
smoothly. Seat belt adjustment should be
accomplished without excessive resistance.
If any problems are detected during this inspection,
the component must be replaced prior to operating
the power unit.
Parking Brake Inspection & Adjustment
The parking brake tension must be set to require a
minimum of 15 pounds (7 kg) of force to engage the
brake lever 7 clicks or less from the off position. If
less than 15 lbs (7 kg) of force is required to engage
the brake lever 7 clicks or less from the off position,
or if engaging the parking brake will not prevent the
power unit from moving, the brake linkage rod will
need to be adjusted.
1. Park the power unit on a level surface.
2. Shut off the engine and remove the key from the
ignition switch.
The parking brake must be disengaged as part of
the adjustment procedure. Park the power unit on
a level surface and place wheel chocks in front
and back of wheels to prevent the power unit from
rolling forward or backward.
Place wheel chocks in front and back of wheels
to prevent power unit from rolling.
4. Disengage the parking brake to remove tension
from the brake linkage.
5. Tighten the 1/4” lock nut (A) on the brake link-
age rod several turns and recheck the amount of
force required to engage the brake lever. Continue
adjusting the 1/4” lock nut until there is a minimum
of 15 lbs (7 kg) of force required to engage the
brake lever 7 clicks or less from the off position.
After the required amount of force to engage the
brake lever is achieved, disengage the parking
brake and move the SDLA lever forward as far
as it will go. While moving the SDLA lever for-
ward, observe the compression spring (B) and
brake engagement tab (C) on the brake linkage.
The compression spring on the brake linkage
rod should not cause the brake engagement
tab to be lifted up more than .03” (.8 mm). If the