Operation - 28
Seat Prop Plate (W)
The seat prop plate secures the seat in the flipped
forward position while service is performed under
the seat.
To secure, tilt the seat forward, lift up
the seat prop, and insert the end into
the wide portion of the seat plate slot.
Ensure the seat prop plate snaps into
the narrow portion of the slot to prevent
accidental release.
To release, move the seat prop plate
over into the wide portion of the seat slot and tilt the
seat forward. Lower the seat prop plate back into
the seat box and lower the seat back down to the
operating position.
Seat Latch Strap (X)
The seat latch strap secures the seat during trans-
port of the power unit.
To secure the seat, place the tab on the end of the
seat latch strap over the seat latch pin. Install the
linch pin through the hole in seat latch pin to secure.
To release the seat so that it can be tilted forward
for service, remove the linch pin and lift the tab on
the seat latch strap off the seat latch pin.
Work Light Switch (AA)
Depressing the top (1) of the work
1. On
2. Off
light switch turns on the work lights.
Depressing the bottom (2) of the switch
turns the work lights off.
Strobe Light Switch (BB)
Depressing the top (1) of the strobe
1. On
2. Off
light switch turns on the strobe light.
Depressing the bottom (2) of the switch
turns the strobe light off.
Slope Indicator Gauge (CC)
The digital slope indicator gauge works with a bidi-
rectional slope meter to display the angle of a slope
in degrees. NOTE: sudden changes in speed or
direction may affect the slope value displayed.
Slope Warning Light (DD)
The slope warning light works with the slope indi-
cator system to provide a visual warning when the
slope value exceeds 20 degrees.
Directional Signal Switch (EE)
1. Left Turn Signal
2. Right Turn Signal
Pressing the left portion of the directional signal
switch turns on the left turn signal. Pressing the right
portion of the directional signal switch turns on the
right turn signal. Return the switch to the middle
position to turn off the signals. The left and right turn
signals will override the hazard flashers.
Hazard Flasher Switch (FF)
1. Hazard Flasher On
2. Hazard Flasher Off
Depressing the right portion of the hazard flasher
switch flashes both directional turn signal lights.
Depressing the left portion of the switch turns the
hazard flasher lights off. Use of the directional turn
signals will override the hazard flashers until the
turn signals are turned off.
Horn Switch (GG)
Press the horn switch to
1. Horn
sound the signal horn. The
horn will sound until the
horn switch is released.