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switch ON and OFF both relay 1 and relay 2

[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 1~99, 255(0xFF)]: 

the load attached to the Switch turns on.

[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0(0x00)]: 

the load 

attached to the Switch turns off.

[Command Class Switch Binary, Switch Binary Set, Value = 

1~99, 255(0xFF)]: 

the load attached to the Switch turns on.

[Command Class Switch Binary, Switch Binary Set, Value = 


 the load attached to the Switch turns off.

2. Z-Wave’s Groups (Association Command Class Version 2)

The Switch can be set to send reports to control associ-
ated Z-Wave devices. It supports 3 association groups which 
every group has one node support. Group1~Group3 support 


For group 1, the Double Switch will report (1) ON/OFF status 
of Relay1 and Relay2 (2) Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of 
Relay1 and Relay2 (3) Accumulated Power Consumption (KWh) 
of Relay1 and Relay2 to Z-Wave Controller.

For group 2, the Double Switch will report (1) ON/OFF status 
of Relay1 (2) Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of Relay1 (3) 
Accumulated Power Consumption (KWh) of Relay1 to Z-Wave 

For group 3, the Double Switch will report (1) ON/OFF status 
of Relay2 (2) Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of Relay2 (3) 
Accumulated Power Consumption (KWh) of Relay2 to Z-Wave 

2-1 Auto report to Grouping 1 ~3 (Maximum Node 1)

2-1-1 On/Off Event Report

When “on” or “off” state has been changed, it will send Binary 
Switch Report to the nodes of Group1~3.

Binary Switch Report


[Command Class Switch Binary, Switch Binary Report, 

Value =255 (0xFF)]


[Command Class Switch Binary, Switch Binary Report, 

Value =0 (0x00)]

2-1-2 Instant Power Consumption vary over 5% report

When the power consumption of load vary over 5%, it will send 
Meter report to the nodes of Group
Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01, Me-

ter Type = 0x01, 

Precision = 1, Scale = 0x02, Size = 4, Meter Value(W) ]

2-1-3 overload alarm report command

When DOUBLE SWITCH detects the overload, it will send 
Alarm Report to the correspond Group.

The content of Alarm Report

Alarm report command:

 [Command_Class_Alarm, Alarm_Re-

port, Alarm Type = 0x08, 

Alarm Level = 0xFF]

2-2 Response to Meter Get Command

The Double Switch will report its (1) instant Power Consump-
tion (Watt) or (2) accumulated power consumption(KWH) or 
(3) AC load Voltage (V) or (4) AC load current ( I ) (5) load power 
factor (PF) to Z-Wave Controller after receive the Meter Get 
Command from Z-Wave Controller.

2-2-1 Instant Power Consumption (Watt) of Switch

When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Re-
port Command to the node asked.

Meter Get Command: [

Command Class Meter, Meter Get, 

Scale =0x02(W)]

Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01, Me-

ter Type = 0x01, 

Precision = 1, Scale = 0x02, Size = 4, Meter Value(W) ]

2-2-2 Accumulated Power Consumption (KW/h)

When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Re-
port Command to the node asked.

Meter Get Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, Scale = 0x00 KW/h)]

Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01,  Me-

ter Type =0x01, Precision = 2, Scale = 0x00, Size = 4, Meter 

Value (KWh)]

Accumulated power consumption (KW/h) = (Meter Value 
2*65536) + (Meter Value 3*256) + (Meter Value 4) = 800.35 

2-2-3 Clearing accumulated power consumption

Whenever re-start counting the accumulated power consump-
tion is needed, you can use Meter Reset Command to clear it.

Meter Reset Command:

 [Command Class Meter, Meter Reset]

2-2-4 AC load Voltage (V)

When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Re-
port Command to the node asked.

Meter Get Command:

 [Command Class Meter, Meter Get, 

Scale =0x04(V)]

Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01, Me-

ter Type = 0x01, Precision = 1, Scale = 0x04, Size = 2, Meter 


2-2-5 AC load current ( I )

When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Re-
port Command to the node asked.

Meter Get Command: 

[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, 

Scale =0x05(I)]

Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01, Me-

ter Type = 0x01, 

Precision = 2, Scale = 0x05, Size = 2, Meter Value(I)]

2-2-6 load power factor (PF)

When receiving Meter Get Command, it will report Meter Re-
port Command to the node asked.

Meter Get Command: 

[Command Class Meter, Meter Get, 

Scale =0x06(PF)]

Meter Report Command:

[Command Class Meter, Meter Report, Rate Type = 0x01, 

Meter Type = 0x01, Precision = 2, Scale = 0x06, Size = 1 Bytes, 

Meter Value(PF)]

2-3 Multi Channel Command Class Version 3

DOUBLE SWITCH also supports Multi Channel command class 
(version 3), which include
You may control or get report from 3 endpoints of DOUBLE 


You may get the ON/OFF state from every endpoint, when 
endpoint set to 1, DOUBLE SWITCH will reply state of Relay1. 
If endpoint set to 2, DOUBLE SWITCH will reply state of Relay2. 
If endpoint set to 3, DOUBLE SWITCH will reply ON (0xFF) 
when either Relay 1 or Relay2 is ON, report OFF (0x00) when 
both Relay 1 and Relay2 are OFF. Below is an example show-
ing a source endpoint 5 sending a Get command to DOUBLE 
SWITCH endpoint 3.

Please note: the below tables present information for the following: 



Source End Point = 0x05

(this is the endpoint of 
command inquirer here we 
assume endpoint is 5, if the 
inquirer doesn’t suport multi 
Channel this value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x03)

(Bit Address =0; Destination 
End Point range from 1~3)

Command Class = 0x25

nary = 0x25)

Command =0x02

(Switch_Binary_Get = 0x02)

Below is the example show DOUBLE SWITCH report to last 

Source End Point = 0x03

Since the endpoint is 3 so 
DOUBLE SWITCH will reply 
ON(0xFF) when either Relay 
1 or Relay2 is ON, report OFF 
(0x00) when both Relay 1 and 
Relay2 are OFF

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x05)

(Bit Address = 0; Destination 
End Point

Command Class = 0x25


Parameter 1 = 0xFF

(ON=0xFF, OFF=0x00)


By using BINARY_SWITCH_SET Command of Multi Channel 
Command Class Encapsulation Command, you can switch Re-
lay1 ON/OFF by setting endpoint to 1, or switch Relay2 ON/
OFF by setting endpoint to 2, or switch both Relay1 and Relay2 
ON/OFF by setting endpoint to 3
The example of the command shows that switch off relay1 of 

Source End Point = 0x01

(this is the endpoit of com-
mand inquirer here 
we assume ednpoint is 1, if the 
inquirer doesn’t
suport multi channel, this 
value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 

(Bit Address = 0; Destination 
End Point range 1-3

Command Class = 0x25


Command =0x01

(Switch_Binary_Set = 0x01)

Parameter 1 = 0x00

(ON=0xFF ,  OFF=0x00)


This command is to ask the endpoint of DOUBLE SWITCH what 
kind of meter data can be reported.
The example shows how to get the meter report type

Source End Point = 0x01

(this is the endpoint of 
command inquirer here we 
assume endpoint is 1, if the 
inquirer doesn’t support Multi 
Channel this value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x03)

(Bit Address =0; Destination 
End Point range1~3)

Command Class = 0x32

= 0x32)

Command =0x03

(Meter_Supported_Get = 

Below is the example show DOUBLE SWITCH report to last 

Source End Point = 0x03
(Bit Destination End Point = 0x01)
Command Class = 0x32
Command Class = 0x32

= 0x32)

Command =0x04

= 0x04)

Parameter 1 = 0x81

(Meter Reset =1, Meter 

Parameter 2 = 0x75

(Scale Supported = 
KWh+W+V+A+Power Factor 
= 0x75)


This command is to reset the Accumulated Power Consumption 
(KWh) to 0 
The example shows how to reset the KWh

Source End Point = 0x03

(this is the endpoint of com-
inquirer, here we assume 
endpoint is 3, if the inquirer 
doesn’t support multi
Channel this value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x01)

(Bit Address = 0; Destination 
End Point = range 1-3 

Command Class = 0x32

= 0x32)

Command =0x05

(Meter Reset = 0x05) 

2-3-5 METER_GET:

Using meter get command to get the KWH, W, V, I, PF from end-
point of DOUBLE SWITCH 2-3-5-1 Get KWH from endpoint
Meter_GET example:

Source End Point = 0x05

(this is the endpoint of 
command inquirer, here we 
assume endpoint is 5, if the 
inquirer doesn’t support multi 
Channel this value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x03)

(Bit Address =0 ; Destination 
End Point range1~3)

Command Class = 0x32

= 0x32)

Command =0x01

(Meter_Get = 0x01)

Parameter 1 = 0x00

(Scale = KWH = 0X00)

Accumulated power consumption (KWH) Report example:

Source End Point = 0x03

(Meter report = Endpoint3)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x05)

(Bit Address =0; Destination 
End Point = command in-
quirer’s Endpoint value)

Command Class = 0x32

= 0x32)

Command =0x02

(Meter_Report = 0x02)

Parameter 1 = 0x21

(Scale Bit2 = 0, Rate Type = 
0x01, Meter Type=0x01)

Parameter 2 = 0x44

(Precision = 2, Scale Bit1Bit0 
= 0, Size = 4)
Accumulated Power Con-
sumption =0x000005FD = 
15.33 KWh

Parameter 3 = 0x00
Parameter 4 = 0x00
Parameter 5 = 0x05
Parameter 6 = 0xFD

2-3-5-2 Get Instant Power Consumption (Watt) from endpoint

METER_GET example:

Source End Point = 0x05

(this is the endpoint of 
command inquirer, here we 
assume endpoint is 5, if the 
inquirer doesn’t support multi 
Channel this value will be 0)

(Bit Destination End 
Point =0x03)

(Bit Address =0:Destination 
End Point range 1~3)

Command Class = 0x32

( Command_Class_Meter_V3 
= 0x32)

Command = 0x01

(Meter_Get = 0x01)

Parameter 1 = 0x10

(Scale = W = 0x02)

DOUBLE SWITCH Instant Power Consumption (W) Report 

Source End Point = 0x03

(Meter report = Endpoint 3)

(Bit Destination End 
Point = 0x05)

(Bit Address =0 ; Destination 
End Point = command in-
quirer’s Endpoint value)
