VEMCO – VR4-UWM Manual
Establish Acoustic Communication
After the acoustic modem is setup and in position to communicate with a VR4-UWM, follow the steps listed
below to communicate with the receiver using the acoustic modem and VUE software.
Launch the VUE 2.0 software.
Click on the COM symbol in the “Serial Devices” section of the Home
tab that matches the COM number that is connected to the Benthos
Deck Box. The last COM port that was used will be identified with “(last
used)” under the name.
Select “VR4-UWM” from
the list that appears.
Enter the serial number, located
on the top of the VR4-UWM, in the
box and click OK.
If you’re uncertain of the serial
number, then click the “Scan”
button and select the desired
receiver from the list of receivers that respond.
Enter the Modem address, which can be found in the receiver
specification sheet.
If you’re uncertain of the modem address, click the “Scan”
button. VUE will search for the receiver and connect to it
automatically when it is found.
Wait for communication to begin. You should hear a
wakeup tone noise on the Deck Box speakers (if volume is
on) indicating that the modem transducer is trying to wake
up the receiver and begin communication. The
information/status for the VR4-UWM receiver and the
Benthos acoustic modem is listed in the window when
communication has been established.
Noise sources in the water (depth sounder, propeller
noise, etc.) should be reduced as much as possible
during communication.