7. Push the backside of the basket flange flush with the ceiling material, and tighten the
four screws on the basket engaging the clamps. The four screws should be hand
tightened, or torqued to 4 inch pound.
8. Carefully push the aluminum grille into the groove on the grille basket. Ensure that
the flange and the grille edge are flush.
Figure 4. Push the SC-600 In-Ceiling Grille into the grille basket.
N e w C o n s t r u c t i o n
1. Designate a suitable location for for the installation of the Velodyne in-ceiling subwoofer,
during the framing construction. Mark the driver location by stapling the mud ring
template across the ceiling beams centered at the designated location.
2. Using the cut-out template, cut a hole in the ceiling material to match the mud
ring location.
3. Install the sheet rock. Do not remove the mud ring.
4. Follow the “Existing Construction Installation” steps 5-8 to complete the installation
of the grille.
w w w . v e l o d y n e . c o m
SC-ICG (In-Ceiling Grille) User’s Manual