P a g e
Example 2: Making a channel ‘pulse’
In this example we want channel 1 to act as a ‘pulse’ contact. In other words, when the channel
switches, it will switch back automatically after a set time. This function is interesting to switch a
garage door, which only needs a short ‘on’ signal.
We cr
eate a new smart action via the ‘Smart’ tab, with “When device status changes” as condition.
We select the VM130V2 and channel 1 (Switch 1).
Select the on option (ON). Next, select the “Delay” task and a delay time of 2 seconds.
We hav
e an overview of the set ‘smart’ action. Now, the channel needs to switch off after the set
delay. For this, we add another task, where we select "Run the device” and device VM130V2.