The client device should logon with a user name, which is also known to the server device. In the
server device (NT platform), click start->programs->user manager and add the user name to the user
The client device should be able to browse the DSR-Video folder(s) in the server. In the client device,
double click the Network Neighbourhood->select the server device to see the available DSR-Video
- Select the '
' button in the top right hand corner of the video player.
- An '
Input Server
' dialog will pop up to allow input of the remote server name to log on.
- Enter the remote server name or use the browse function to find the remote server name, then click
OK when finished.
- You can select the available server with the recorded video stored in the remote device by clicking
the down arrow in the server selection window.
- You can select the available cameras under the selected server name by clicking the down arrow
button in the camera selection window.
- The date for the selected camera can be set by clicking the down arrow button in the date selection
- The available video will be transferred to the video search engine.
- Click
'file record'
to display a list of available videos with file names and information.
- Click the header button of each field to sort that field in a particular order. For example, the user can
click 'start time' to display the files in ascending order and then click it again to sort it back in
descending order.
- Select the video file you want to play back by clicking the 'file record list' or using the search engine.
The selected file will be highlighted in the file record list and search engine.
Click the left 'open file' button (= open one file) to play back the selected file.
- Click the right 'open file button' to play back the selected file and the successive files automatically.
List of recorded files
Click the
'file record
button in the 'video player dialog menu bar' to display the list of video files for
the selected camera. Click on the desired file from the list and click the
'open file'
button to start the
- The selected video file will be loaded and played automatically.
- The file list will change as the video search engine is manipulated, so that only those files appear on
in the video bar window. Click the
'reset button'
in the search engine to get a list of all files again.
Video Playback Controls
Use the video playback controls under the video image to control the video playback function.
The user can stop the video and use the scroll bar to look for the desired footage. Press the 'two-arrow'
keys to advance one frame at a time.
Playback Camera Control
Using the camera title control window you can select a camera for playback by name or title. Click the
down arrow button and click the desired camera for playback.
During playback you can select another camera for playback. The previously selected camera will
automatically stop.