9 Supplement
VEGASOURCE 82 • Source holder
Pneumatic switching (optional)
Pivoting range
Compressed air connection
Switching pressure
3.5 … 6 bar (51 … 87 psi)
Reset of the switching
by spring force
Compressed air conditioning
Class 3 acc. to ISO 8573-1, pressure dew point 10 K
below operating temperature, particle size 40 µm
Notes for Europe:
For compressed air (gas of group 2), the pneumatic
actuator is excluded from the requirements of the Regu-
lation on Pressure Equipment (PED) 97/23/EC based on
Article 1, Clause 3.6 of the directive.
Connection data
Ʋ Operating voltage
8 V
Ʋ Current consumption - Measuring
plate not included
≥ 3 mA
Ʋ Current consumption - Measuring
plate included
≤ 1 mA
Source and vessel characteristics
Number of half value layers of the source holder
Ʋ Cs-137
Max. activity of the source
Ʋ Cs-137
7.4 GBq (300 mCi)
Dose rate diagram
The isodistance curve indicates the local dose rate at a
certain distance from the surface of the source container.
The following isodistance curve applies to a Cs-137
source as an example.
The isodistance curve refers to the switching position