Master Station Controls and Indicators
The master station includes several operational controls and interface connectors. All
switches and level-adjust potentiometers that might need to be set routinely during operation
are on the front panel. Some auxiliary switches are on the master station's rear panel. No
operational controls are inside the unit. The control and connector functions are as follows:
Front Panel
For a description of the front panel, see the figure and text below.
The channel-adjust (“CH ADJ”) controls allow convenient trimming of each portable's
audio level. They are normally used to equalize audio levels when a soft-spoken person is
using one of the portables. They are not full-range controls; adjustment of the microphone
gain control in the QTR-2/QTR-600 portable may be necessary if a large level adjustment is
The “ENABLE” controls to enable/disable the audio from one or more portables. These
switches are normally used to disable the internal master-station receivers if fewer portables
are used than the number of receivers in the QX-6A/QX-600 or if a portable goes out of
Figure 1
Monitor select switch: Nine-position rotary, enabled
when “LOC/MON SEL” push button is out
Power on/off switch:
Selects ac power, dc power,
or power off
Volume control: Local-headset volume control
Headset connector: Accepts
system monitor/operator headset
Power “on” LED: Indicates
power is on (ac or dc)
Channel-adjust controls: Six audio-level
potentiometers for portables 1 through 6
Intercom audio-level (out) control:
Adjusts audio level from master station
to wired-intercom system
Mic level control: Gain trim for local-headset
Intercom audio-level (in) control:
Adjusts audio level from wired-
intercom to master station
“Active” LEDs: Indicates signal is being
received by QX-6A/QX-600 receivers
Tr a n s m i t t e r
“ o n ”
L E D :
Indicates transmitter is active
Receiver enable switches:
Enables receivers 1 through 6
Local/monitor switch:
See text for description
I n t e rc o m
e n a b l e
See text for