QTR-2/QTR-600 Sidetone Adjustment
When the QTR-2/QTR-600 is used with a QX-6A/QX-600 master station, the QTR-2/QTR-
600 operator will hear a sidetone of his voice in his own headset. The sidetone, in this case, is
generated by the QX-6A/QX-600 master station. Therefore, the sidetone adjustment on the
QTR-2/QTR-600 transmitter board should be turned off (fully CCW).
When the QTR-2 is not used with a QX-6A master station, as in the Q+/M configuration
where two QTR-2s are used in full duplex mode, or two or more QTR-2s are operated in
simplex mode (like most walkie-talkies), the QTR-2 sidetone adjustment can be set to
provide sufficient sidetone for comfortable operation.
To set the QTR-2 sidetone adjustment, remove the battery-compartment door, batteries,
battery spring, and QTR-2 dust cover. Referring to Figure 2, locate the sidetone-adjustment
potentiometer on the QTR-2 transmitter board assembly and set it fully CCW (when the
QTR-2 is used with a master station) or to a comfortable listening level when the QTR-2 is
used without a master station. Reassemble all of the case and battery components.
The sidetone adjust in the QTR-600 should be fully CCW at all times. QTR-600 portable
units cannot be used in Q+/M configurations.
Figure 1. Pin location for dynamic or electret mics.