7 Setup
PLICSMOBILE • Mobile network unit PLICSMOBILE T81
Less power is consumed this way and the lifetime of the battery is
considerably increased.
7.3 Access protection
The protection against unauthorized access to the PLICSMOBILE
T81 is set up on two steps. The first step is controlling the general
access to the instrument via Bluetooth or the network. After this step,
reading out the parameters is always possible. The second step is
controlling the access to parameters, here the change of the instru-
ment settings can be blocked.
With protected Bluetooth access, connection to the PLICSMOBILE
T81 is only possible if the respective
"Bluetooth access code"
known. This individual numerical access code (6-digit) is stored in the
instrument and a respective label is attached to the instrument when
the PLICSMOBILE T81 is shipped. In addition, the code is listed in
the accompanying documents available in the scope of delivery. The
access code must be entered only once per adjustment tool because
it is automatically stored with the first connection to the adjustment
tool. The Bluetooth access code can be read out and modified during
connection via DTM.
The Bluetooth access protection is activated by default. Connection is
only possible after entering the Bluetooth access code.
If an incorrect Bluetooth access code is entered (3 failed attempts),
the code can only be entered again after a delay time. This time gets
longer after each incorrect entry.
The PLICSMOBILE T81 can be configured and maintained remotely
via the network access. This requires a static IP address for the SIM
card used.
The network access is deactivated by default and must be activated
(if required) in the DTM or app under "
Additional adjustments - Ac-
cess protection - Network - Allow remote maintenance
". Keep in
mind that the activation is only possible via Bluetooth in the vicinity
of PLICSMOBILE T81. Without this activation, remote access is not
With protected network access, connection to the PLICSMOBILE T81
is only possible if the respective
"Network access code"
is known.
This individual alphanumerical access code (20-digit PSK) is stored
in the instrument and a respective label is attached to the instrument
when the PLICSMOBILE T81 is shipped. In addition, the code is listed
in the accompanying documents available in the scope of delivery.
The access code must be entered only once per adjustment tool
because it is automatically stored with the first connection to the ad-
justment tool. The network access code can be read out and modified
during connection via DTM.
Bluetooth access
Network access (remote