Vega NB-14 / User Manual
Revision 04 of 24 January 2022
Data is transmitted via MQTT protocol. You should specify in the device settings the
address and port of the server where the data will be sent. Those settings specified in
application “Vega NB-IoT Configurator”. It must be MQTT broker as a server (received side).
You should specify in the device settings the address and port of the broker. Also, you should
specify a topic name where the data published and a client name – the name which the device
use for publishing. All those settings specified in “Vega NB-IoT Configurator” in part “MQTT
settings”. For watching the data sending by the device you should deploy MQTT broker on a
PC and become subscribed on MQTT broker with any application.
Vega NB-14 sends the message on the server as a text of JSON format. See example
"Message": {
"dev": "NB-14 v0.1",
"IMEI": "867723030711443",
"IMSI": "250990283462252",
"ICCID": "8970199170730496235",
"num": 3,
"UTC": 1571227504
"CellStatus": {
"TAC": "9C8D",
"CID": "0856831D",
"SQ": 19,
"EARFCN": 1240,
"PCID": 26,
"RSRP": -822,
"RSRQ": -108,
"RSSI": -744,
"SNR": 119
"Telemetry": {
"reason": "time",
"UTC": 1571227500,
"bat": 99,
"temp": 28,
"RAW": 43,
"RAI": 580,
"RBW": 22,
"RBI": 1100,
"s_alarm1": 0,
"s_alarm2": 0,
"s_magnet": 0,
"s_raw": 0,
"s_rai": 1,
"s_rbw": 0,
"s_rbi": 1